Yatsen Holding Limited (NYSE: YSG) is a leading China-based beauty group with the mission of creating an exciting new journey of beauty discovery for consumers around the world.

Founded in 2016, the Company has launched and acquired numerous color cosmetics and skincare brands including Perfect Diary, Little Ondine, Pink BearGalénic, DR.WU (its mainland China business), Eve Lom and EANTiM. The Company's flagship brand, Perfect Diary, is one of the leading color cosmetics brands in China in terms of retail sales value.

The Company primarily reaches and engages with customers directly both online and offline, with expansive presence across all major e-commerce, social and content platforms in China. 

Our Diverse Brand Portfolio

Perfect Diary

Perfect Diary is our first and largest brand. We launched Perfect Diary in 2017 to provide high-quality and innovative color cosmetics with exquisite designs. With a broad and growing portfolio of products that spans the color cosmetics, skincare, beauty tools and kits categories, Perfect Diary offers comprehensive beauty solutions at a mass-market price point. In 2023, we repositioned the Perfect Diary brand, carrying out a series of campaigns with a refreshed visual identity and new hero product launches. Targeting Gen-Z and millennials, Perfect Diary intends to enable everyone to express and pursue their own beauty effortlessly.

Little Ondine

Little Ondine was founded in 2013. Little Ondine initially gained popularity with its odorless, non-toxic, easy peel-off and fashionable nail polish. We acquired Little Ondine in 2019 and have since expanded its product variety and offerings. Little Ondine now features trend-setting and functional eye, face and lip makeup products, such as eyeliner, mascara, contour palette, and eyebrow liners. Little Ondine’s loyal customers mainly include women between the ages of 20 to 29 in Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities who are more willing to purchase products at higher price points.

Pink Bear

Pink Bear is a color cosmetics brand we launched in March 2021 to target the teenage and young adult customer base. Employing a “young girl” style and brand identity, the brand is intended to provide high value-for-money products at a lower mass-market price point, with a focus on the lip gloss product category. Since its launch, Pink Bear has been embraced by customers and received numerous awards, including the C-Beauty Awards’ Color Development Award by VOGUE in 2023.


Originated in France, Galénic was founded in 1978 by Mr. Pierre Fabre, a well-known pharmacist, botanist and the inventor of dermo-cosmetics, with the aim of offering women high-end dermo-cosmetics with proprietary formulation and highly demonstratable effectiveness. Galénic is Yatsen’s first premium skincare brand which we acquired from the Pierre Fabre group, one of the largest pharmaceutical and demo-cosmetic group in Europe. With its R&D expertise and strong roots in France, Galénic’s products are known for their scientific formula which are derived from precious plant essence and ingredients to create effective skincare solutions, as well as for offering elegant skincare experiences for women. As part of the acquisition of Galénic, we established a long-term R&D and product innovations collaboration with Pierre Fabre to support the Galénic brand going forward. Today, Galénic’s products are sold in Europe and Asia.

DR.WU (mainland China business)

Founded in 2003, DR.WU is a professional skincare brand developed by renowned dermatologist, Dr. Ying-Chin Wu. DR.WU created a technologically-advanced skincare line of hypoallergenic and highly efficacious products, leveraging 50 years of experience in dermatology and extensive research on skin immunology and laser treatment as well as a team of seasoned dermatologists. DR.WU’s products have received numerous awards and recognition from beauty media and platforms. We completed the acquisition of DR.WU’s mainland China business in January 2021. Post-closing, we re-launched the DR.WU brand in mainland China market by simplifying the product line-up to the core Mandelik Acid serum series. We also re-positioned the brand as a professional dermatologist-grade skincare brand offering highly efficacious solutions for acne-related skin problems, making tremendous efforts across research and development, product innovation and brand building. In 2023, DR.WU was honored as Asia’s Leading Mandelic Acid Skincare Brand by Euromonitor.

Eve Lom

Eve Lom is a prestige skincare brand founded in 1985 by the renowned facialist Eve Lom. Eve Lom’s eponymous skincare collection has won numerous awards, with products featuring high-quality natural ingredients which create a luxurious and efficacious skincare experience. Eve Lom is sold through a global distribution network and is recognized by consumers worldwide through e-commerce channels. We acquired Eve Lom in March 2021 from Manzanita Capital. We have increased the investment of resources in Eve Lom’s China operations and initiated a series of marketing events since the acquisition.


EANTiM is a professional-channel skincare and haircare brand focused on developing products to improve skin health via the emerging field of microbiome. EANTiM was founded in 2018 by a management team with extensive background in pharmaceutical research and functional skincare.